Monday, August 21, 2006

The early months of moy loyfe

Tautinoga between 2 and 3 months...where she's still a little tiny mouse with wrinkles all over and a dark complexion (ok so it never completely fades...thank my genes for that).

Tino at 1 1/2 months. Photo taken at Siusega on my very own bed. This was after
taking a ride to the airport to pick up Uncle Pepe. Still no fat yet on those
thighs, but she's a tall little baby isn't she? (see me preening? hehe). She's wearing her dark pink bodysuit courtesy of Aunty Reesa.

Tinto, carried by Great Aunty Lucy from Americana. The one who's deaf and spends half the time screaming in poor baby's ear. She's 2 months in this picture, fast asleep and bursting out of her avocado suit from Aunty Erika.

Pic taken at Malie in our room. She's going onto 3 months here. See the difference between her thighs in the first pic and this one? It gets worse, believe me. Haha.


kuaback said...

mayne, kua iloa lelei le difference from the skinny thighs to the chubby ones cute bebe Tinto..
hugs and kisses

dasifi said...

Even at an early age you can tell how bright n alert this lil gurl is.
Another brainiac in the family! But then its to be momma like daughter!