Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Mouth wide open

Tinto is 7 months in these pictures, taken at home by babysitter # 2, Taele. She looks like a happy child doesn't she? The sign of a healthy baby is gauged by how happy she is. Hehe.


dasifi said...

You are not only a happy child but a much loved one..Get better precious baby. We love you and can only dream of holding you for now..
Bless ur lovely lil heart Tinto.
XOXO from your fans in Japan!

Anonymous said...

so korcheous dez fotos of the lil missy

hugs and kisses lil one:)

Fotu said...

Just wanted to increase the number of ppl that love Tinto!

Post up some new flicks girl, it's been a raaaather long time!

Love and Hugs!